About blossomingpebble

The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own.  ~Benjamin Disraeli.

I believe that God has given us each a piece of the puzzle of ‘His Story’ to carry out. I’ve found that as others bring their portion to the table, not only is it a joy to share in their experiences, but what I’m carrying becomes clearer, richer, and more complete. I’m always wowed by the synergy that happens as we join together to form the bigger picture: how the combined effect becomes far greater than the sum of the individual parts. Amazing.

That’s my hope for this blog; that as I throw in my ‘piece’, it would strike up a conversation that takes us down an exhilarating course of ‘Aha!’ moments, opening doors that we didn’t even know existed; that as we bounce things off one another, the momentum will spur us on in our pursuit of the One that it’s all about.

I hope you will enjoy hanging out at blossomingpebble and look forward to your visits and any feedback, comments, or questions you may have. I’m not saying that I’ll have answers to your questions, but I do welcome them 🙂

[to read about Hannah click here]

2 thoughts on “About blossomingpebble”

  1. Hi Hannah
    I have also nominated you “The Blog of the Year 2012” award. You can go to http://kingspeech.wordpress.com/2013/01/09/blog-of-the-year-award-2012/ to check it out.

  2. Hi Hannah.
    I have nominated you The Most Inspiring Blogger Award. You can go to http://kingspeech.wordpress.com/ to check it out.
    God Bless

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